This majestic former school has a spectacular view of the Pittsburgh skyline as well as unique terraced grounds. Miles Bryan School was built in 1927 and served as a high school to McKees Rocks’ youths until 1966 when McKees Rocks School District merged with Sto-Rox. It then continued as Sto-Rox Middle School until 1997, when its doors were closed. It was sold to a developer in 2001 where MRDC holds an option; Current owner spent a considerable amount in Installing over 2,500 glass bock windows, Removing ceiling panels on 3rd floor, Removing plaster in auditorium & coating the Roof twice with a silicone sealant, etc; With over 4.9 acres, this 2 & 3 Level 63,000 Sq Ft Beauty is ready to be re-developed for various uses; This Overall Property should provide fantastic potential for a community center, or various types of mixed-use redevelopment such as: Multi-Family, Personal Care or Assisted Living & various other uses, pending the approval by McKees Rocks Borough;